Race Around the World Special

In this special edition of Flat 29's Big Book of Everything, we look at the results of the long running race around the world between Charlie and Dan, including visits to Happy Land, the end of the world, and the icy depths of the English Channel.

Chapter 6 - Christmas

In this extended Christmas spectacular, we are treated (or subjected) to 3 brand new Flat 29 Christmas songs, recieve some audio presents, sing some carols, learn a new dance routine, and have a heated christmas argument. The perfect start to any holiday season!

Chapter 5 - Fear

Boo! Aargh! In this weeks terrifying new chapter, Flat 29 discuss their many and varied irrational fears, attack each other through the medium of political adverts, and tell spooky stories whilst giggling around a campfire.

Chapter 4 - Education

Its back to school week with Flat 29, as we go through our report cards, listen to a young Charlie's harrowing tales, accidentally all learn some circus skills, and ponder on which kid's TV chararcters would make the best dinner ladies.

Chapter 3 - Transport

Vroooooooom! This week we reform the transport system (possibly using a network of wires and slides) and perform confidence-boosting hypnosis, while Dan is put in his place by his younger brother. Also, Charlie and Dan begin their race around the world!

Chapter 2 - Space

This week, we all become astronauts (nearly), and examine the magical world of space! We make up yet more ludicrous moon-conspiracy-theories, claim some space real estate, and ponder why all space related news headlines are so gosh damn awesome....

Chapter 1 - The Human Body

In the first chapter, The Human Body, we talk about puberty, hairy shoulders, the coolest way to walk down a hill, and arming the elderly with iron man-style exoskeletons. Featuring the hit robot-song, A Human Body